A little help understanding some of the terminology you might be coming across...
This can be accessed through my Stamford Portal on the website. It is where teachers post information and updates from the classroom. The teachers post, spelling lists, homework updates or just info from the classroom about fun activities they are doing. You can respond and comment on posts which sometimes get read out in class which the kids love. It is password protected so please ask your year rep for details. Please do not share this.
This is where you will book after school activities. Booking opens the Friday before each new term usually 6pm for KS1 and 6:30pm for KS2. You can link your calendar with your child(rens) activities so you can keep up to date with if clubs are cancelled or location changes etc.
Need to know anything about what your child(ren) are up to, then head to the Portal. This holds their timetable, attendance, latest messages and news. Also on here you will have access to the Parent handbook and other documents regarding the schools details for you and contact details and data base for contacts at school.
Every Thursday, the school releases an email contain that weeks information. The school will send you one email that has sections in it relevant to your child(ren) and a general update from the PA and Head master. This comes out at 6pm and is so important for knowing what is happening. A copy of this can be found in your 'email' section on the Portal.
If you want to keep up to date with what your child(ren) are doing sports wise then head to SOCS and go to sports section. Here you will be able to sync your calendar so you will be kept up to date with where, what and when your sports events will be. If you head to the link and you can click 'sports and teams' and then select the age group that is appropriate for you and hunt through all the amazing events they will do. Best to be viewed on a desktop and then synced with your calendar.
ERIC stands for 'Everyone Reads In Class'. This is a wonderful session they do with every class throughout the junior school every single day. The children of all classes have at least half an hour of reading time. As they get bigger and more independent in their reading, they are able to read their own library chosen books, for the younger ones they have fun books to look at and read together.
If you need Nearly New uniform, we will often point you to the 'Blue Shed'. This is literally the big blue garden shed found on the back playground next to where year 1 and 2 are dropped off and released at the end of the day.
We rely on donations to keep the Nearly New shop open so any uniform that is too small or no longer needed is much appreciated. Please message Iryna for more details - 07703 678 687
Main contact details:
Front Office: Alice Fenn - sjsoffice@ses.lincs.sch.uk - 01780 484400
School Shop: Alice Poole - sesshop@ses.lincs.sch.uk - 01780 750349
PA Chair: Iryna Jordan - sjs.pa.chair@gmail.com - 07703 678 687
PA Treasurer: Toby Cole - sjs.pa.treasurer@gmail.com
Here are a few visuals to help you navigate what is needed and how it all goes together. We will be running a Nearly New sale in the first two weeks back. Keep an eye out for exact dates. If you need anything urgently the School Shop has everything or get in touch with us and we can try and help.
At our Christmas Fair this year we are having a Gifting Tree. The idea is you buy a gift for a child who will be spending time in hospital over the holidays. You can do this either buy bringing a gift into school for us to deliver (suggestions below) or simply pick something off the Amazon Wish List and then the gift goes straight to the Amazon Ward, Peterborough Hospital.
The ward treat children between the ages of 0-16 years so would welcome any toys and activities for this age range.
Some suggestions would be:
Baby comforters
Unisex/Disney colouring books
Usborne magic painting books
Art and craft sets
Teenage gifts
Selection boxes
Gifts don't need to be wrapped but must be new items due to our infection control policies.
Click the link to go to the Wish List